
Music genre classification
Create a program that classifies music genres based on certain audio features
String PadStart Kata
Implement a function that uses String's padStart method to add leading zeros to a number string to ensure it always has a minimum length
Array Includes Kata
Write a function that checks if an element is present in an array using Array.prototype.includes() method.
Recursive Fibonacci
Write a function that takes an integer n and returns the nth Fibonacci number using recursion.
Array copyWithin Kata
Create a function that uses the copyWithin method to replace specified elements within an array.
Array Flatten Exercise
Write a function that flattens nested arrays using Array.prototype.flat() method.
String padding kata
Create a function that takes a string and a number as arguments, and pads the string on the right side with spaces until the string reaches the desired length.
Array Index Of Kata
Write a function that returns the index of the first occurrence of a given element in an array using Array.prototype.indexOf(). If the element is not found in the array, return -1.
String Replace Kata
Replace all vowels in a string with a '-'.
Stock Advisor
Create a Stock Advisor that recommends which stocks to buy based on certain parameters.
Split String Kata
A kata that requires the student to use String.prototype.split() to split a given string into substrings and perform a specified operation on them.
String code point kata
Write a function that takes a string and returns an array of code points for each character in the string using String.prototype.codePointAt() method.
Array toLocaleString Kata
Create a function that will return an array in a localized way using the toLocaleString method.
Lowercase Kata
Create a function that takes a string as input and returns the string in all lowercase letters.
Find Last Index Kata
Write a function that takes an array and a value as arguments and returns the index of the last occurrence of that value in the array using Array.prototype.lastIndexOf(). If the value is not found, return -1.
Set Milliseconds Kata
Implement a function that sets the milliseconds of a given date object to a specified value.
Trim Ending Spaces
Write a function that takes a string and removes any trailing whitespace at the end of it using String.prototype.trimEnd().
String Slice Kata
Create a function that slices a string based on a given start and end indexes
Find the First Occurrence of a Substring in a String
Write a function that takes a string and a substring, and returns the index of the first occurrence of the substring in the string. If the substring is not found in the string, return -1.
Reduce numbers array
Given an array of numbers, use reduce method to obtain a single value that represents the sum of all numbers in the array.
UTC Date Converter
Write a function that takes a date string as input and converts it to a UTC date string format.
String Repeat Kata
Create a function that receives a string and a number n, the function should return the string repeated n times.
Match Substrings in a String
Write a function that takes a string and a regular expression and returns an array of all the substrings in the string that match the regular expression.
String Normalize Kata
Implement normalize method to format a string removing all the accents
Airline Overbooking
Implement an algorithm that manages the overbooking of an airline flight.
Pad Start Kata
Create a function that takes in a string and a length and returns a new string with the original string padded with leading spaces if it is shorter than the provided length.
Unshift Kata
Create a function that takes an array and a value as arguments and adds the value to the beginning of the array using the unshift() method.
Precision Cutting Challenge
Write a function that can take in a list of numbers and precision cut them to a desired number of decimal places.
Recursive Fibonacci Sequence
Write a function that returns the nth number in the Fibonacci sequence using recursion.
String Trimmer
Create a function that takes in a string with extra white space at the beginning and end of the string, and returns a new string with that white space removed. Use String.prototype.trim().
Array Unshift Kata
Implement the Array.prototype.unshift() method without using built-in functions
Concatenate Strings
Create a function that takes two strings as input and concatenates them using the String.prototype.concat() method.
EndsWith Kata
Write a function that checks whether a given string ends with the specified suffix or not.
Array Index Kata
Complete the functions to find the index of an element in an array using Array.prototype.indexOf().
Date Month Kata
Implement a function that returns the current month from Date object using Date.prototype.getMonth()
String Repeat Kata
Create a function that takes a string and a number, and repeats the string the given number of times.
String includes kata
Implement a function that takes an array of strings and a search string, and returns a new array containing only the strings that includes the search string using String.prototype.includes() method.
Slice and Dice
Use Array.prototype.slice() to solve the following tasks.
String Replace All Kata
Create a function that replaces all instances of a given substring with another string within a larger string using String.prototype.replaceAll() method.
Set full year
Create a function that takes a date and a year as arguments and returns a new date with the year set to the specified value using Date.prototype.setFullYear().
Array Keys Exercise
Create a function that takes an array as input and returns an array of the keys of the given array using Array.prototype.keys() method.
String IndexOf Kata
This kata focuses on using String.prototype.indexOf() method.
String Match Kata
Create a function that takes in a string and uses String.prototype.match() to find all occurrences of a pattern within the string.
String.charAt() Kata
Write a function that accepts a string and a number as arguments, then returns the character at that position in the string. Use String.prototype.charAt() for this exercise.
String ends with kata
Write a function that returns whether a given string ends with the provided suffix or not
Date Time Conversion
Converts a given date to a time string
Last Index Of Substring Kata
Create a function that searches for the last index of a substring in an array using Array.prototype.lastIndexOf().
Every Check
Write a function that checks if every element in an array satisfies a given condition.
Reversed Array
Create a function that takes an array as input and returns a new array with the elements in reversed order.
Current Minutes
Create a function that returns the current minutes.
Seconds Counter
Create a function that counts the number of seconds in a given timestamp
Find Last Exercise
Create a function that uses Array.prototype.findLast() to find the last element in an array that matches a given condition. Return the element if it exists or null if it does not.
String Replace All Kata
Create a function that uses the String.prototype.replaceAll() method to replace all occurrences of a given substring within a string.
String Normalization Kata
Create a function that receives a string and normalizes it using the String.prototype.normalize() method. Apply the NFC normalization form.
String Concatenation Kata
Create a function that concatenates two strings using the String.prototype.concat() method. The function should take two string parameters and return the concatenated string.
Uppercase String Transformation
Create a function that transforms a given string to uppercase, using String.prototype.toLocaleUpperCase()
Find the position of a substring using indexOf()
Write a function that takes in a string and a target substring, and returns the index at which the target substring is first found. If the target substring is not found in the string, return -1. Use the built-in JavaScript method `indexOf()` to solve the problem.
Date toLocaleTimeString() kata
Write a function that takes a Date object and returns a string representing the time portion of the date in the current time zone using the toLocaleTimeString() method. The function should also take an optional argument specifying the locale to use.
Reverse Array
Create a function that takes an array and reverse its order in place.
Match All Occurrences
Create a function that receives a string and a regular expression pattern and returns an array of all the occurrences of the pattern in the string using String.prototype.matchAll().
Set Seconds Kata
Write a function that takes a date object and a number of seconds and returns a new date object with the seconds set to the provided value. Example input: setSeconds(new Date('2022-10-10T10:10:10'), 30) Expected output: new Date('2022-10-10T10:10:30')
String Search Kata
Write a function that takes a string and a search term and returns the index of the first occurrence of the search term in the given string. If the search term is not present in the string, return -1.
Find Index Kata
Write a JavaScript function to find the index of an item in an array using Array.prototype.findIndex().
String StartsWith
Create a function that takes in a string and checks if it starts with a given substring. Return a boolean indicating whether or not the string starts with the given substring.
String StartsWith Kata
Implement a function that returns true if a given string starts with a specific substring.
Search for Substring Kata
Create a function to search for a substring in a given string using method.
Sort names using localeCompare()
Given an array of person objects, sort them alphabetically by their last name using String.prototype.localeCompare().
String repeat Kata
Create a function that receives a string and a number as parameters. The function should return the string repeated `n` times, where n is the number passed as parameter.
String ReplaceAll Kata
Implement a function that replaces all instances of a specified substring in a given string.
LowerCase Kata
Implement a function that takes a string as input and returns it in lower case.
Trimming White Space at End of String
Create a function that removes white space at the end of a given string using String.prototype.trimEnd().
Code Point At
Convert a string to an array of Unicode code points using String.prototype.codePointAt() method.
Normalize String Kata
Write a function that normalizes a string using String.prototype.normalize().
String.lastIndexOf() Kata
Create a function that uses the String.prototype.lastIndexOf() method to find the index of the last occurrence of a specified substring in a given string.
Date UTC Minutes Setter
Implement a function that takes a Date object and a number representing minutes and sets the UTC minutes of the Date object to the provided value. The function should return the updated Date object.
String to Uppercase
Create a function that takes a string as input and returns the same string in uppercase letters using the `toString()` method of the String object.
String endsWith Kata
Create a function that checks if a given string ends with a specified suffix.
Array to String Conversion
Convert an array to a string with comma-separated values. The input array can contain numbers, strings, objects, or arrays.
Array Filling Kata
Fill arrays with specific values using Array.prototype.fill()
Joining Arrays Kata
Write a function that joins two arrays into a single string using Array.prototype.join() method.
Get UTC Seconds
Write a function that takes in a date and returns the seconds within the minute in UTC time.
Array Concat Kata
Combine two arrays into a single array using the Array.prototype.concat() method
String Repeat Kata
Implement a function that concatenates a given string 'n' times using the String.prototype.repeat() method.
setYear() Method
Create a function that takes a year (YYYY) and returns the date object with its year set to the provided year.
String valueOf() Kata
Write a function that returns the value of a given string using the String.prototype.valueOf() method.
Get Day of Week from a Date
Write a function that uses the Date.prototype.getDay() method to determine the day of the week for a given date object.
Sort Alphabets with localeCompare()
Create a function that sorts an array of strings in alphabetical order using String.prototype.localeCompare()
Array Slice Kata
Implement various functionalities using Array.prototype.slice() method
String Slice Kata
Create a function that takes a string and returns a new string that is a slice of the original string. The function should take two arguments, start and end, which represent the starting and ending indices of the slice.
Match Me If You Can
Create a function that takes two parameters: a string and a regular expression. The function should return an array of all matches found in the string using the regular expression.
Substring Kata
Write a function that returns a substring of a given string, starting at a specified index and ending before a specified index.
Replace First Occurrence of String
Write a function that replaces the first occurrence of a specific string in a given string.
Trimming Strings
Implement a function that removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string using the String.prototype.trim() method.
Array Grouping Kata
Implement a function that groups the elements of an array based on a given predicate function.
Clearing unused items from Set
Implement a function that removes all unused items in a Set collection
Array Slice and Splice
Given an array of numbers and a start index, remove a certain number of elements from the array and replace them with new elements.
Set Keys Kata
Write a function that takes a Set object as a parameter and returns an array of keys using Set.prototype.keys().
String IndexOf Kata
Create a function that takes two parameters: a string and a target substring, and returns the index of the first occurrence of the target substring in the string. If the target substring is not found, return -1.
Array Type Check
Write a function that checks if a given variable is an array. If it is an array, return true, otherwise return false.
Set Event Start Time
Create a function that takes a start time and an event duration and returns the end time of the event, using the Date.prototype.setHours() method to set the hours of the start time.